There are a variety of finishes available for making polystyrene lettering and polystyrene logos.
Natural finish polystyrene letters. Polystyrene letters that are made from white polystyrene sheeting and have been supplied without being painted.
Painted polystyrene letters. Polystyrene letters that have been painted by brushes with two layers of quality Dulux vinyl matt emulsion . Either use the Dulux colour charts to match which are available from Dulux paint shops or use colours matched to RAL or BS standard colours, we can also match most Pantone colours but be aware that pantone colours are designed for lithographic printing onto paper. Painted colours appear different depending on the surface they are painted onto and the light emitted on it. We only use Dulux paints as we have found that cheaper makes of paint do not produce the quality required.
Foamex faced polystyrene letters. Polystyrene letters that have a 2mm thick plastic face glued to the front of the letters which have a vinyl face to them or are painted. The foamex is first covered in a self adhesive vinyl and then the letters are cut out of the foamex and glued onto the cut out polystyrene letters. The sides of the letters may be left natural finish or the may be painted.
Glitter covered letters. Polystyrene letters that have been covered in two layers of plastic glitter for use inside shop window displays and in-store displays. Popular glitter colours are gold and silver glitter and red glitter as well as pink glitter and purple glitter.
Textured Coated Polystyrene letters. Polystyrene letters that have a layer of stone particles similar in texture to grains of sand, the letters look like painted masonry or painted stone and can be used for in-store display or for shop signs for outside use, ideal for art shops and craft shops or for signs that want to look rustic or vintage. The letters would also look good for surf shops or beach cafe signs. The letters are hand painted to a matt masonry finish.
Styrofoam letters. Styrofoam letters are letters made from a high density polystyrene where the cell structure is so small that when the material is painted it looks like painted MDF or painted wood.
Letters may also be MDF faced, Hardboard faced and rigidPVC faced as well as acrylic faced.